Why is it important that you comply with fire door regulations

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By BenjaminBeck

Fire doors play a crucial role in fire protection and safety of buildings. A fire door is an essential item in every building and must meet certain regulations. These regulations cover accessibility, sound, ventilation and fire safety. These regulations ensure that fire doors comply with all applicable laws. Foam Spray Insulation Ltd has been in business for more than 25 years. With a team of highly skilled applicators who have many years of experience in spray foam insulation, Foam Spray Insulation Ltd is located in the UK’s heart. Carefour offers live-in care in Oxfordshire. It’s easy to arrange a live in carers.

Nearly all UK buildings must have at least one fire exit. These are the most important fire doors regulations in the UK.


Every building must be divided into separate compartments. Protect escape routes, including staircases and corridors. If a domestic dwelling has more than two levels, every door leading to the stairwell must be a fire door if it leads into a living room.

Also, a fire shutter door should be installed between a house or garage. Fire doors should be installed between residential and commercial elements in mixed-use buildings.


If a compartment wall is used to separate two buildings, both the fire door as well as the wall that houses it must have the same resistance period. The minimum fire resistance period for a fire door can’t be less than 60 minutes. The minimum fire resistance time is 60 minutes. For any other circumstances, 30-minute fire doors (FD30), are permitted.

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Signage should be provided for any fire door that is installed in non-domestic buildings. The sign should be visible from both sides. It should clearly indicate that it is a firedoor. Other instructions may include “Keep locked” or “Keep closed”. A fire door dealer can sell standard signs.


These doors are ideal for areas where a fire curtain exit door approaches or protects an escape tunnel such as a corridor or staircase, or where the fire door is located between a private space and a common area. The front door of a flat is a good example. Also, smoke seals should be used in corridors that lead to dead ends. The threshold gap should not exceed 3mm when a smoke seal is being used.


A safety glass must be installed on fire doors that are less than 15 cm above the floor. This requirement is required in all buildings, whether domestic or commercial.


Fire doors must adhere to a variety of regulations. They must meet the Code for Sustainable Homes. There are many sourcing regulations when it comes to procurement.


Remember that a fire door is only one element in a complete system known as a “doorset.” A doorset is defined by BS EN 12519 as “completely assembled from all necessary parts and intended for pedestrian access.”